We provide unique team building experiences that we bring to you! Cut down on travel costs and facility rental fees! Our escape cubes help your employees learn to work with each other in different situations. Encourage them to be creative and showcase their own unique problem solving skills and find better ways to communicate.
How it works:
- Determine how many employees will be participating
- each cube can fit 4-6 players
- Cubes have their own power source
- Save the date!
- The day of the event we come to your facility and set everything up.
- A Game Master will be on site for the entire event to guide employees and trouble shoot
- Detailed team building tips and assessments
- We pack up all our products and clean out the facility to allow you to continue with a luncheon or more activities!
Setup: 30 minutes
Time: 1:30 minutes (1 hour for gameplay; 30 min for assesments)
Breakdown: 30 minutes
Number of participants: 4-6 per box : multiple boxes needed for large groups- they race each other for time
Space needed: each box requires a medium size table (and chairs if needed for special needs)
Prize: Easily adaptable to add prizes for the winning teams
Learning outcomes:
- Combine different skills for problem solving
- Keep a cool head with intense pressure
- Logical approaches
- Team dynamics
- Managing change
- Cross functional cooperation
- Decision Making
- Team bonding
- Problem Solving
- Leadership skills
Contact us for a quote info@escape-designers.com
Uncle Phileas Escape Crate

Your favorite uncle Phileas has always shared your love for puzzles and riddles—that was part of the special bond you two shared. But Uncle Phileas has gone missing! Now, several months later, the trail has gone cold and there’s no sign of him, but you’ve been hearing whispers he was of the golden city of El Dorado.
One day this box arrives on your doorstep with no note or other instructions. Could this be a clue to what happened to your Uncle Phileas?